Ugovor language from
... ugovorima T4ME ( opći ugovor 249 119 ) , CESAR ( opći ugovor 271 022 ) , METANET4U ( opći ugovor 270 893 ) i META - NORD ( opći ugovor 270 899 ) . The authors of this document are grateful to the authors of the White Paper on German for ...
Ugovor language from
... ugovor contract ugovor ; izdavački / nakladni publisher's agreement ugovor ; okvirni blanket agreement P ugovor ; zastupnički agency agreement uvez ; cjeloplatneni Pad cloth binding Pad uvez ; gibak ~ flexible cover uvez ; izdanje u ...
Ugovor language from
... ugovor is broader and that it encompasses the functions of both UK documents . Therefore , we can claim that the equivalence is only approximate . For the purpose of translation , the memorandum of association ( being the main document ...
Ugovor language from
... ugovor o sroke , o dne svad'by ' ( Ašm . 1910 : 10 ) , pălčav ' ugovor o dne svad'by ' ( Chuv S 277 ) , pəl'jav ' die von der braut für den bräutigam verfertigten oder gekauften geschenke , welche schon vor der hochzeit von dem vater ...
Ugovor language from
... ugovor dorože deneg " das Abkommen ist teurer als Geld " ( eine Abart des G - s der Trennung : die höhere Stufe drängt die niedrigere zurück ) . G bei Fürwörtern : čto novogo " was Neues " ( die Bedeutung ist parti- tiv ) ...
Ugovor language from
The Role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law Silvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini ... ugovor stvaranje ili jačanje (vladajućeg položaja) jedan ili više izravan ili neizravan neposredan ili posredan ...
Ugovor language from
... French departments at Croa- tian and French universities , thus accom- plishing considerable progress in the affir- mation of the Croatian language in France . Potpisan ugovor o kulturnoj , prosvjetnoj , tehničkoj , znanstvenoj i ...
Ugovor language from
... ugovor are used as equivalents for Vertrag . Adding to the inconsistency , ugovor is also used to express ... language as a means of increasing comprehension is definitely a move in this direction . Since language is the standard ...
Ugovor language from
... language combination, namely Croatian-Italian simultaneous bilinguals. Before describing the study, we provide more ... ugovor. pro i/*j Zadovoljna je/Ona#i/j je zadovoljna. Laura is signed contract pro happy is she is happy 'Laura ...