... Beli Preletacevic , più noto con l'appellativo " Beli " , ha attirato l'attenzione durante il processo elettorale presidenziale mediante la sua peculiare rappresentazione pop . Egli si è presentato con un'eccentrica mise composta da un ...
... Preletaèeviæ Beli, mit bürgerlichem Namen Luka Maksimoviæ, wollte ein Kandidat der jungen, nach den Balkankonflikten geborenen Generation sein, um die sich die etablierte Politik nicht kümmern würde – ein Vorwurf, den die jungen ...
New case studies for this edition include: Reverend Billy’s run for Mayor of New York City in 2009; Stephen Colbert’s run for President in 2012; Candidates including Superbarrio, the Best Party, Antanas Mockus, and Einstein the Dog.
This work examines what happens when comedy becomes political, and politics become funny. A series of original essays focus on a range of programmes, from 'The Daily Show' to 'South Park'.
Readers will be delighted by the broad array of comic talent spotlighted in this book, and for those interested in comedy with substance, it will offer an alternative punchline.