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Diane McKitrick, age 72 of Helena
Anderson Stevenson Wilke Funeral Home
Diane McKitrick was born in April of 1952, at home to Jeanette and David Mainwaring. She passed away in the comfort of her own home on May 27th, 2024, with...
Пре 7 месеци
Opinion | America’s Founders Lived in a Foreign World (Published 2021)
The New York Times
For all of our modern-day worship of the founding fathers, we lack of a sense of how foreign their world was as compared to ours.
Пре 40 месеци
The Age of Federalism
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
By Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick. Oxford University Press 925 pages. In my seventh grade civics class I was surprised to learn that our...
Пре 370 месеци
Willie Lee Rose, influential historian of slavery and Reconstruction, dies at 91
The Washington Post
In a career shortened by illness, she fought for increased opportunities for women in the field of history.
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Opinion | Where My Research Has Taken Me Lately (Published 2022)
The New York Times
I'm currently reading Walter Stahr's “Salmon P. Chase: Lincoln's Vital Rival,” which was published earlier this year.
Пре 30 месеци
Lynne Cheney: By the Book (Published 2014)
The New York Times
The author of “James Madison: A Life Reconsidered” says the last book to make her cry was Shel Silverstein's “The Giving Tree”: “I have to...
Пре 126 месеци
Chapter 5: Washington’s Farewell Address
Foreign Policy Research Institute
The original draft of this book contained 172 pages of endnotes, which had to be shed in the name of economy. Thanks to the Internet, readers can access...
Пре 88 месеци
Stanley M. Elkins
Lawrence Journal-World
Stanley M. Elkins, 88, of Northampton, MA, died Monday, September 16, 2013. Born April 27, 1925, in Boston, MA, the son of Frank and Frances (Reiner) Elkins.
Пре 135 месеци
Slavery and the Difficulty of Interpreting the Bible
Reformed Journal
Working on a book review of Jon Meacham's work on Abraham Lincoln piqued my curiosity. Meacham briefly touched on the justification for...
Пре 18 месеци
What Happened When Aaron Burr, Late in Life, Encountered this Statue of Alexander Hamilton
History News Network
When memory and history meet, sometimes irony is the result. The Broadway smash hit Hamilton, which is now engaged in a raucous Boston run,...
Пре 74 месеца