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inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... James Nisbet . Nabobo - Baba , Unaisi . 2006a . Knowing and Learning : An Indigenous Fijian Approach . Suva : Institute of Pacific Studies , University of the South Pacific . Nabobo - Baba , Unaisi . 2006b . A Place to Sit ( and Stand ) ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... James Nisbet, 1861), 46. Available at: id=7fEOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA108&dq=Heart--Echoes--inauthor:Mary-Fina uthor:E--inauthor:Leslie&hl=en&sa=X&ei=VIZ7VJKWOeSu/AbzWIGYB Q&ved=0CCIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=one9%20by ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
The Common Soldier of the Confederacy Bell Irvin Wiley. James C. Nisbet, Four Years on the Firing Line (Chattanooga, 1914), 255. 86J. B. Mitchell to his father, Sept. 9, 1861, typescript, Alabama Archives.8 87William R. Stillwell to his ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
BOOKS FOR PRESENTS . J. NISBET & Co.'s NEW LIST . A History of the Cambridge University ... James's Gazette .- " A fascinating book . " Literary World .— “ An artistic ... In Author of By E. EVERETT - GREEN . " Marjorie of Silvermead ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... James Nisbet & Co. and N. II . Cotes . Edinburgh : Johnstone & Hunter . Glasgow : D. Bryce . Belfast : Wm . M'Comb ... in Author of the Mother's Book , ' Frugal Housewife , ' & c . The Fifteenth Edition . ** This work has been ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... : Printed at the Clarendon Press , and Published by MACMILLAN & CO . , London , Publishers to the University . ( 310 ) JAMES NISBET & NISBET & CO.'S NEW AND RECENT PUBLICATIONS May 15 , 1867 291 The Publishers ' Circular.
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... James Nisbet and Co. 21 , Berners Street . ( 853 ) TAL ALES of the TOWN . By the Rev. HENRY WALFORD BELLAIRS , M.A. Perpetual Curate of St. Thomas , Stockport . With Wood Engravings , 5s . extra cloth . James Burns , 17 , Portman Street ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... : Printed at the Clarendon Press , and Published by MACMILLAN & CO . , London , Publishers to the University . ( 310 ) 3 JAMES NISBET & CO.'S NEW AND RECENT PUBLICATIONS . I May 15 , 1867 291 The Publishers ' Circular.
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... James Cooper Nisbet , Four Years on the Firing Line ( Chatta- nooga , Tenn .: Imperial Press , n.d. ) , 108-9 ; Sarah C. Rives to Alfred Landon Rives , June 23 , 1862 , Alderman Library , University ... in author's possession ; McGuire ...
inauthor: Jim Nisbet са
... in Author of the ' Mother's Book , ' ' Frugal Housewife , ' & c . The Fifteenth Edition . ** This work has been ... Nisbet & Co. and N. H. Cotes . Edinburgh : Johnstone & Hunter . Glasgow : D. Bryce . M'Comb . Belfast : Wm . CHEAP ...