Lenya Heitzig is an award-winning author and speaker whose passion for women, God's Word, and worship influences others to recognize God's miraculous hand.
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Author | Speaker | Founder of @calvaryabq alongside @skipheitzig | Providing resources & sharing the Gospel worldwide: @she.ol.o.gie and @ireloadlove.
Lenya Heitzig is an award-winning author, national speaker, and global philanthropist. She's passionate about God's Word doing His work in the lives of women. Her heart for children caught in the crossfire of terrorism propelled her to found a ministry called Reload Love.
Лења Хајциг (Lenya Heitzig)
Супруг: Скип Гајциг (у браку од 1981.)
Live Beautifully: A Study in the Books of Ruth and Esther
Live Abundantly: A Study in the Book of Ephesians
Live Deeply: A Study of the Parables of Jesus
Live Faithfully: A Study in the Book of James
Live Intimately: Lessons from the Upper Room
Live Fearlessly: A Study in the Book of Joshua
After a lifetime steeped in agnosticism, Lenya became a Christian in 1978, joining the Jesus Movement in Southern California.
Lenya Heitzig is the wife of Pastor Skip Heitzig and the director of the she Ministries. She has written and co-authored resources for the she Ministries Bible ...
Lenya Heitzig is an award-winning author and speaker whose passion for women, God's Word, and worship influences others to recognize God's miraculous hand.
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Lenya Heitzig was headed for a promising career in fashion merchandising when God changed her direction. After a lifetime steeped in agnosticism, Lenya became a ...
Looking for books by Lenya Heitzig? See all books authored by Lenya Heitzig, including Live Deeply: A Study in the Parables of Jesus, and Live Fearlessly, ...