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inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
Michigan. INSPECTORS : PAGE . act relative to letting of contracts by , amended ... 289-91 INSURANCE : on the State ... house of correction in , author- ized ... JOINT CONVENTION : -309--13 of the Legislature ; concurrent resolution ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
Michigan. ST . ANDREW'S CHURCH AT ANN ARBOR : incorporated ( 1833 ) . Ter . Laws , Vol . 3 , p . 1091 . ST . ANN , CATHOLIC AND ROMAN CHURCH OF , OF DETROIT : certain powers granted to , as to control of property . Laws ... in , author- ized ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... Laws of 1869 , Vol . 2 , p . 680 . Central M. E. church , title to ... Michigan changed to . Laws of 1848 , p . 368 . parcel of land in , dedicated ... in , author- ized . P. A. of 1921 , p . 124 . railroad aid , city authorized ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... Legislature in author- izing the placing of public monies in savings accounts in savings and loan associations in Michigan , whether they be state or federally chartered . Within the state sphere of power , as opposed to those ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
Michigan. PAGE . INSPECTORS : act relative to letting of contracts by , amended .__ 289-91 INSURANCE : on the State ... house of correction in , author- ized ... JOINT CONVENTION : ..309-13 of the Legislature ; concurrent resolution ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
Michigan. Comp . Laws , Sections and Chapt'rs Am'ded or Re . pealed . 7730 ... in , author- ized .. ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETIES : incorporation of , provided ... LAWS , YEARS AND Laws 444 INDEX .
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... MICHIGAN LEGISLATIVE RESULTS IN MICHIGAN . Reinsurance Tax Bill Is Repealed - What Has Been Accomplished by the ... in author- ized companies , has passed the Senate and has gone to the House . Much pressure is being brought to ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... legislature , in author- izing its construction , and granting peculiar franchises for its operation and use , ever intended that execution creditors might levy upon parcels of it , and cut it up into sections , and destroy it as a ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... Michigan , The , by H. M. Utley . ( Michigan Manufacturer and Financial ... in author arrangement as Books in the Mich- igan Room , in the Annual ... Legislature , de- livered on the second day of January , 1837 . Admission of ...
inauthor: Michigan. Legislature са
... in author- itative quarters favorable to the establishment and maintenance of pooling systems between our great trunk lines , I have been unable to reach the conclu- sion that such systems are the panacea for all the traffic troubles ...