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inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Financial Services. the ... Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ( FinCEN ) : On ... Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control ( OFAC ) . The O & I Sub- committee ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress United States. Congress ... committee . Further instructions will follow . " The wheat and feed grain ... Department of Agriculture , Washington , D.C. DEAR MR . SECRETARY : I was ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... Treasury shall refund all moneys paid to the United States under any sale ... Committee on Revision of Laws of the United States . Mr. WOOD . I object ... Department , there being no loyal State government to commission the ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
United States. Congress. an amendment to substitute for the whole appro ... committee's amendments having been all gone through , On motion of Mr ... Treasury Department ; inserting $ 1,200 for light- ing Pennsylvania avenue ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. STATEMENT OF HUGH F. HALL , LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT , AMERICAN FARM BUREAU ... Treasury , by requir- ing his approval of the issuance of bonds , notes ... audit by the ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... Committee of the Whole , proceeded to consider the bill . The bill was ... United States Revised Statutes . service of the United States of America ... Department to credit the ac- count of George H. Tice , postmaster at Perth ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... Treasury Department , Washington ; Henry D. Gilpin , ex - U.S . Attorney , Philadelphia . - MR . HALE AND THE BUFFALO CONVENTION . - Many inquiries have been made respecting the views of Mr. Hale in relation to the Buffalo Convention ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... committee in charge of the investigation of the alleged incor- poration of ... Treasury has , as we predicted , decided to suspend action upon the cases ... Department has yet completed the compilation of the large mass of data ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
... treasury notes , military scrip , or any other ascertained claim ; second ... United States . Looking to the composition of the Convention , and its ... committee of correspondence had thought proper to address General Taylor on ...
inauthor: United States. Department of the Treasury. Committee on Auditing са
United States. Congress. House. STATEMENT OF HUGH F. HALL , LEGISLATIVE ... Treasury , by requir- ing his approval of the issuance of bonds , notes ... committee . The Farm Credit Act of 1953 was a long step toward a fully farmer ...