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The Blended Learning Cookbook presents a way for trainers and teachers to analyse a learning need and to choose effectively from the ever increasing range of formal and informal media and methods at their disposal.
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The book examines the law of defamation, and argues that it must be reformed in a number of ways in order to balance two important constitutional rights, the right to reputation and the right to freedom of expression.
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This book, written by a leading hertage specialist, is essential reading for all those concerned both with heritage and leisure managment.
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By focusing on a range of global case studies, Destination Branding demonstrates that the adoption of a highly targeted, consumer research-based, multi-agency 'mood branding' initiative leads to success every time.
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У пропонованому підручнику висвітлюється широке коло питань теорії та практики відтворення мовних одиниць і явищ ...
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This appealing biography traces the life story of Jeff Bezos, the famous entrepreneur and founder of, and provides valuable information on how to become an Internet entrepreneur.As a boy, Jeff Bezos had a keen interest in gadgets ...